The pGina Community

pGina developers and users alike count on each other to provide a community for the continued support and future of pGina. There are several ways to get involved, ask questions, report problems, or otherwise hang out with others. In all cases, these resources are to be used second to the available documentation.

Mailing Lists

Hosted by Google, we have two mailing lists:

Reporting Bugs, Requesting Features

You can of course bring up feature ideas and bugs you may find on the mailing lists, IRC, etc. However, we formally track work via the "Issues" feature on Github. You can use this interface to file and track issues here:

IRC - #pgina

You can also find a few intrepid and diehard users, and the occassional developer, in the #pgina room via IRC on the freenode ( network. Join us! Most of us lurk, and time-zones vary, so you may need to hangout a bit.